Newspace Lexicon

Complete reference guide to space industry acronyms and terminology.
Features detailed definitions for hundreds of used abbreviations in
satellite technology, spacecraft engineering, mission control, and space operations.
Includes terms from major space agencies (NASA, ESA, JAXA),
technical systems (ADCS, TT&C, EPS), mission phases (LEOP, EOL), and space technology (CubeSat, GNSS, SAR).
Essential resource for aerospace professionals, engineers, students, and space enthusiasts.

Space Industry Acronyms
Acronym Definition
AACSAttitude and Articulation Control System - System that controls spacecraft orientation and moving parts.
ADCSAttitude Determination and Control System - Subsystem responsible for a satellite's orientation.
ADRMActive Debris Removal Mission - Mission designed to remove space debris from orbit.
AIArtificial Intelligence - Used in mission automation and data analysis.
AISAutomatic Identification System - Tracking system used for maritime vessels.
AOCSAttitude and Orbit Control System - System managing spacecraft orientation and orbital position.
APIApplication Programming Interface - Interface for software communication and integration.
APMAntenna Pointing Mechanism - System controlling satellite antenna direction.
APSAuxiliary Propulsion System - Secondary propulsion system for minor orbital adjustments.
ASIItalian Space Agency (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) - Italy's national space agency.
ASICApplication-Specific Integrated Circuit - Custom-designed electronic chip for space applications.
BERBit Error Rate - Measure of data transmission accuracy in space communications.
BOLBeginning of Life - Initial operational period of a spacecraft.
BPSBits Per Second - Data transmission rate measurement.
CADComputer-Aided Design - Software tools for spacecraft design.
CANController Area Network - Communication protocol used in spacecraft.
CCSDSConsultative Committee for Space Data Systems - Global standards for space data communication.
CDHCommand and Data Handling - Subsystem managing spacecraft computer operations.
CDRCritical Design Review - A key milestone in the design phase of a mission.
CDSConstellation Deployment System - System for deploying multiple satellites.
CNESFrench Space Agency (Centre National d'Études Spatiales) - France's space agency.
CONOPSConcept of Operations - High-level description of how a mission will operate.
COTSCommercial Off-The-Shelf - Ready-made products used in space systems to reduce costs.
CSpOCCombined Space Operations Center - Multinational space operations coordination center (successor to JSpOC).
CSACanadian Space Agency - National space agency of Canada.
CSDCanisterized Satellite Dispenser - System for deploying CubeSats.
CubeSatCubic Satellite - Standardized miniature satellite format (10cm cube per unit).
DCSData Collection System - System for gathering and processing spacecraft data.
DLRGerman Aerospace Center - Germany's space agency and research center.
DMCDisaster Monitoring Constellation - Satellite network for monitoring natural disasters.
DRRDesign Readiness Review - Assessment to confirm system readiness for final design.
DSNDeep Space Network - Network of ground stations for deep space communications.
EIRPEffective Isotropic Radiated Power - Measurement of transmitted power in communication systems.
EOEarth Observation - Use of satellites to monitor Earth's surface and atmosphere.
EOLEnd of Life - Final operational period of a spacecraft.
EPSElectrical Power System - Power generation and distribution system.
ESAEuropean Space Agency - Intergovernmental organization dedicated to space exploration.
ESPAEELV Secondary Payload Adapter - Standard interface for secondary payloads.
ETVElectric Transfer Vehicle - Spacecraft using electric propulsion for orbital transfers.
EVAExtravehicular Activity - Spacewalk or activity outside spacecraft.
FDIRFault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery - Protocols for managing system failures.
FECForward Error Correction - Technique to improve reliability of data transmission.
FMFlight Model - A prototype of a satellite for use in actual missions.
FOVField of View - Observable area from a sensor or instrument.
GEOGeostationary Earth Orbit - Orbit at 35,786 km altitude.
GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite System - Satellite-based navigation system (e.g., GPS).
GPSGlobal Positioning System - US satellite navigation system.
GSGround Station - Facility on Earth for communicating with satellites.
GSNGround Station Network - Network of ground stations used to support satellite missions.
GTOGeostationary Transfer Orbit - Elliptical orbit for reaching GEO.
HABHigh-Altitude Balloon - Platform for near-space testing and research.
HEOHighly Elliptical Orbit - Orbit with high eccentricity.
HTSHigh-Throughput Satellite - Satellite designed for high-speed data transfer.
IODIn-Orbit Demonstration - Testing new technologies in space.
IOSIndian Ocean Satellite - Satellites positioned over the Indian Ocean region.
IoTInternet of Things - Network of interconnected devices, some supported by satellite connectivity.
IPRIntellectual Property Rights - Legal rights for space technology innovations.
IRDInterface Requirements Document - Specification of system interfaces.
ISLInter-Satellite Link - Communication links between satellites.
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization - Develops space-related standards.
ISRIntelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance - Space-based observation capabilities.
ISSInternational Space Station - Orbital research facility.
ITARInternational Traffic in Arms Regulations - US regulations controlling space technology.
IVAIntravehicular Activity - Activities inside spacecraft.
JAXAJapan Aerospace Exploration Agency - Japan's space agency.
JPLJet Propulsion Laboratory - NASA research and development center.
JSpOCJoint Space Operations Center - Former US military space operations center (predecessor to CSpOC).
KBDKnowledge Base Database - Repository of space mission information.
KSCKennedy Space Center - NASA launch facility in Florida.
LEOPLaunch and Early Orbit Phase - Initial period after satellite launch.
LEOLow Earth Orbit - Orbits close to Earth, typically below 2,000 km altitude.
LNALow Noise Amplifier - Component improving signal reception.
LOSLine of Sight - Direct path between communication points.
LRRLaunch Readiness Review - Final review before launch.
LVLaunch Vehicle - Rocket used to launch spacecraft.
MAGMagnetometer - Instrument measuring magnetic fields.
MCCMission Control Centre - Centralized facility for managing and monitoring missions.
MCSMission Control Software - Software used to operate and simulate satellite missions.
MEOMedium Earth Orbit - Orbital region between LEO and GEO.
MEMSMicro-Electro-Mechanical Systems - Miniaturized devices for space use.
MLIMulti-Layer Insulation - Thermal protection material.
MMHMonomethylhydrazine - Common spacecraft propellant.
MOCMission Operations Center - Facility controlling space missions.
MPSMission Planning System - Software for mission scheduling.
MRRMission Readiness Review - Assessment of operational readiness before mission execution.
MSSMobile Satellite Services - Communication services via satellite.
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration - US space agency.
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - US agency operating weather satellites.
NSpOCNational Space Operations Centre - US military space operations coordination center.
OBDHOn-Board Data Handling - Spacecraft data management system.
OBCOn-Board Computer - Main spacecraft computer.
OGSOptical Ground Station - Ground station for laser communications.
OSROptical Solar Reflector - Thermal control surface.
OTVOrbital Transfer Vehicle - Spacecraft designed to move payloads between different orbits.
PAFPayload Attach Fitting - Interface between launch vehicle and satellite.
PCBPrinted Circuit Board - Electronic board used in spacecraft.
PCMPulse Code Modulation - Digital signal encoding method.
PDRPreliminary Design Review - Early-stage design evaluation.
PIMPayload Interface Module - Interface between satellite and its payload.
PLDPayload - The primary mission equipment on a spacecraft.
PMDPost-Mission Disposal - End-of-life procedures for spacecraft.
PMPProject Management Plan - Document outlining mission management approach.
PPUPower Processing Unit - Electronics for power management.
PRRProduction Readiness Review - Assessment before beginning production.
QAQuality Assurance - Processes to ensure mission quality standards.
QOSQuality of Service - Performance measure for mission operations and communications.
RADRadiation Absorbed Dose - Measure of radiation exposure in space.
RCSReaction Control System - Thrusters for attitude control.
RFRadio Frequency - Electromagnetic waves used for communication.
RFIRadio Frequency Interference - Unwanted signals affecting communications.
RHCPRight Hand Circular Polarization - Common antenna signal polarization.
ROIReturn on Investment - Financial performance measure for space projects.
RPORendezvous and Proximity Operations - Maneuvering spacecraft near each other in space.
RWAReaction Wheel Assembly - Momentum-based attitude control device.
SAASouth Atlantic Anomaly - Region of increased radiation exposure.
SARSynthetic Aperture Radar - Radar system used for Earth observation.
SBSPSpace-Based Solar Power - Technology for collecting solar energy in space and beaming it to Earth.
SBDSpace-Based Detection - Satellite-based monitoring systems.
SCCSpace Command Centre - Facility that manages space missions and operations.
SDRSoftware Defined Radio - Flexible radio communication system.
SELSingle Event Latchup - Radiation-induced circuit malfunction.
SEUSingle Event Upset - Radiation-induced bit flip in electronics.
SLAService Level Agreement - Contract defining service performance levels.
SMESubject Matter Expert - Specialist in specific space technology areas.
SNRSignal-to-Noise Ratio - Measure of signal quality.
SOCService Operations Centre - Manages services provided by satellites to end users.
SoCSystem on Chip - Integrated circuit combining multiple functions.
SpWSpaceWire - High-speed spacecraft communication protocol.
SRRSystem Requirements Review - Evaluation of mission requirements.
SSASpace Situational Awareness - Monitoring and tracking space objects.
SSOSun-Synchronous Orbit - Orbit maintaining constant sun angle.
STKSystems Tool Kit - Software for mission analysis and planning.
STMSpace Traffic Management - Coordination to avoid collisions and manage space activities.
SWaPSize, Weight, and Power - Key spacecraft design constraints.
TABSThrust-Augmented Backup System - Emergency propulsion system.
TBDTo Be Determined - Placeholder for undefined requirements.
TCTelecommand - Commands sent from ground to a satellite.
TCSThermal Control System - System managing spacecraft temperature.
TIDTotal Ionizing Dose - Cumulative radiation exposure measure.
TLETwo-Line Element - Format for describing orbital parameters.
TMTelemetry - Data transmitted from a satellite to the ground.
TPSThermal Protection System - Heat shield and thermal management.
TRLTechnology Readiness Level - Scale used to assess the maturity of technologies for space use.
TT&CTelemetry, Tracking, and Command - Key functions of satellite-ground communication.
TVACThermal Vacuum - Testing environment simulating space conditions.
UHFUltra High Frequency - Radio frequency band used in space communications.
UKUnited Kingdom - Nation with growing space capabilities and programs.
UKSAUK Space Agency - British government space agency.
UKSCUK Space Command - British military space operations organization.
UNUnited Nations - Oversees international treaties and policies related to space activities.
UPLUpload - Process of sending data to a spacecraft.
VDESVHF Data Exchange System - Communication standard for maritime and satellite communications.
VHFVery High Frequency - Radio frequency band used in space communications.
VSWRVoltage Standing Wave Ratio - Measure of antenna performance.
WDMWavelength Division Multiplexing - Technique for optical communications.
XPLCross-Polarization - Measure of antenna signal isolation.